Meditation Seven Days of Happiness

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Calm, Meditation

Meditation is a practice that I try and use on a daily basis. I like to do it first thing in the morning. I believe it helps to set my mood and my intention for the day. Today I used the Calm app and began a guided meditation “Seven Days of Happiness.” The focus in the first exercise was on gratitude. I thought that was great! I encourage my clients to focus on gratitude. It helps improve their mood and bring positivity into their awareness.

I really appreciated the reminder about being grateful for our senses and other internal processes. I am grateful that I still have all of my senses. In addition, I’m also grateful for a healthy liver now that the tumor has been removed! Many of us focus too often on external and material things to be grateful for. (Yes, I am guilty of this sometimes, too.) The fact that the facilitator reminded me to turn inwards and toward my physical being was powerful.

If you haven’t downloaded the Calm app to your smartphone, I strongly recommend it! And look into meditation Seven Days of Happiness, too!


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